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When was the last time you were truly satisfied with where you were in life?  How does that feel right now?  Are you ready to embrace the positive things that lay ahead of you?  Then reach out and connect with Ed Bracey, a Coach to achievers.

take control of



Constantly, I hear stories from people who shoulda, woulda, coulda been successful at some point.  They blame others for their own lack of commitment to their own future. If remaining in that place of personal comfort is where you feel most comfortable, then my advice is to stay there. If you have a purpose beyond yourself and desire to seek that purpose, let us talk.  I can help you identify your purpose, your mission and your skill set that will all combine to propel you to success. Schedule a consultation now.


stop talking


Now that you have decided to change, let me congratulate you.  The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step and now you have stepped out for your own good.

Grab your memo pad and ask yourself this question....How will I feel when I achieve my goals?  What does that feeling mean to me? How will I celebrate once I have achieved my goal?

Do that exercise and let's talk.

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Your Greatest Self.


Discovering your greatest, most successful achieving self is what life is all about. YOu should not fear meeting your greatest self because if you are like most of us, that person is roaring and screaming inside you wanting to get out!  Let's release that person most of your friends, family and acquaintences have yet to meet. The world is waiting for you......Step out Now!!!! 




Once you are in motion, do not stop.  Whether you run.....walk.....or crawl to success is unimpportant.  Your journey is yours alone, no one not ever compare your life with other's.  They may be more priveledged and more opportunistic than you.  So be it, that is their business model, not yours.  Allow yourself to make mistakes.  In fact make mistakes like an infant learning to walk....fall, stumble, get back up and proceed....adjust.....adjust....adjust....adjust to your environment and proceed to your destination......Allow your coach, me, to assist you in your adjustments and to encourage you in your steps......


Ed Bracey......Accomplished Coach


I have been fortunate to have experienced Ed Bracey's coaching skills firsthand.  Ed truly has a gift for inspiriting individuals and encouraging them to reach their highest potential. His communication skills are unsurpassed, his demeanor is professional yet approachable, and his perspective is one of positivity and confidence.


Ellen Serge Gruetzmacher, Program Manager at United Cerebral Palsy of San Luis Obispo



Ed is a no nonsense go getter.  I have know him over 5 years and he represents himself on the CEO level. I fully agree and hope in the near future we can find another project to tackle together.


Lloyd Sloat, Sloat Enterprises


Using his consultative approach, we have been successful in sharing crucial information that has benefited our respective corporate relationships.  Having Ed as a resource has greatly enhanced my strategy to be a decisive, effective leader within my own organization.


Jennifer Borgra, Managing Partner, Cedar Creek Capital





Ed Bracey specializes in coaching and team development.  I have experienced firsthand his counseling and coaching skills. His ability to identify the challenges and then implement the efforts is first rate. He hires, trains and counsels exemplary individuals and allows them to shine in the spotlight. I wish there were more managers of his caliber.


Corey Dalling, National Revenue Manager, Canandian Automobile Association

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